EPROM programmer which is also known as Erasable Programmable read-only memory is one of the most used programmers used among newbie and professionals. Many times, people with a passion to preserve ancient computer from the 1970s and 80s tend to replace the failed masked ROM or EPROM. By the end of this discussion, some of the important factors that you need to know before burning your EPROM will be discussed. First, what are EPROMs? EPROM stands for Erasable-Programmable ROM where the ICs hold the code. Often times, the auxiliary program such as an application, utility, or game can be loaded immediately on startup. Also, the BASIC interpreter in old computers was commonly provided by mask ROMs that have embedded code that can’t be changed. On the other hand, EPROM is ideal for replacing mask ROMs that have proven to be bad along with additional applications and utilities and for general tinkering. 1. Voltages can differ: Basically,...
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